Congressman Butz Aquino
Former actor, brother of slain senator Ninoy Aquino and key opposition
figure, Congressman Aquino is best remembered as the first one to call
the Filipino people to the EDSA highway during the breakaway. He was
also the head of the August 21 Movement (ATOM) and is currently on his
last term as congressman of the 1st district of Makati.
Fr. James B. Reuter, SJ
An important Catholic Media Figure, Father Reuter was the head of the
Federation of the Catholic Broadcasters of the Philippines and is a renowned
producer and playwright.
Sister Sarah Manapol, SPC
"The Lady in White" provided information to the US Embassy during the
revolution and to June Keithley for broadcasting on Radyo Bandido. She was
a special assistant to Father James B. Reuter, SJ and is a member of the
Federation of Catholic Broadcasters of the Philippines. She is also a faculty
member and head of the Media Department of the St. Paul University of
Quezon City.
General Vic Batac and Col. Red Kapunan
General Batac and Colonel Kapunan were principal RAM figures that plotted
the 1985 coup Attempt against the Marcos Administration and the 1986,1987,
and 1989 coup attempts against the Aquino Administration. Both are now
retired and enjoying private life.
